1999 Combined
State Binder Group |
Round Robin 99-1
Outlie - Charts showing the coefficient of variation for the round robins 1196 - 1998 with and without outliers.
NCRR99-1 - Charts for round robin 99-1 showing all data
NCgr99-1 - Charts for round robin 99-1 with testing done at 1 facility averaged together
NCRR99-1x - Charts for labs that received blank samples
Round Robin 99-2
There were 68 participants in the second RR for 1999. There are two data summaries. Summary A includes all data separately and Summary B uses the average data from each laboratory.
Summary A - all data separately
Summary B - average data from each laboratory
Round Robin 99-3
There were 67 participants in the third RR for 1999. There are two separate data summaries. Summary A includes all data separately and Summary B uses the average data from each laboratory which tested multiple Round Robin 99-3 samples.
Summary A - all data separately
Summary B - average data from each laboratory which tested multiple Round Robin 99-3 samples
Round Robin 99-4
There were 67 participants in the final RR for 1999. Summary A includes all data separately. Summary B uses the average data from each laboratory which tested multiple Round Robin 99-4 samples. Summary C uses data from seven labs which were sent Round Robin 99-4 samples to test. Summary D provides BBR information related to software and beam measurement methods used. This is informational only, and may be updated in the future, if needed.
Summary A - all data separately
Summary B - average data from each laboratory which tested multiple Round Robin 99-4 samples
Summary C - uses data from seven labs which were sent Round Robin 99-4 samples to test
Summary D - BBR information related to software and beam measurement methods used. Informational only.
Certification Method of Acceptance (1999) for Asphalt Binders
Round Robin Data 1999 - Table of Contents
© 1997 North Central Superpave Center
E-mail your comments to: ncsc@ecn.purdue.edu
Last modified: February 20, 2006